Tuesday 17 July 2012

Is it a right time?

With all the smartphones and smart TVs pretty much dominating the whole electronics market, the gaming console is struggling to survive. Consoles like Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox, and Nintendo Wii are still favored among many kids and even some adults but in such a busy society, people would prefer a smart phone or something they can carry around with them all the time. Having said that, the Ouya is coming out with a new gaming console to "upend console gaming".

This console will cost $99 and currently, the Kickstarter campaign is looking at whether to fund this prototype to start production. The Ouya founders already generated enough money so it's just a matter of time before it gets released. However, people are wondering what exactly this console is going to offer that's going to upend the gaming console. It's going to have a few free games from the market but there aren't any hardcore games like Battlefield or Soul Calibur available which makes the audience hesitant to support the console.

The Kickstarter wants to bring games back to the television and create something new that would attract a variety of audience like how smart phones and tablets did by not dedicating themselves to gaming systems. Honestly, I have some doubts and don't know if they're ready but I'd really love to see gaming on TV come back.


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