Monday 16 July 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 problem already?

As you all know, Samsung recently released one of their greatest products, Galaxy S3. I gotta be honest, I've seen couple of my friends with this phone and it was one of the best phones I've seen up till now. However, I just found out today that it's got some issues. Some of the technicians did a test and found out its screen is suffering from burn ins.

For those of you who don't know what a burn in is, it is a permanent discoloration of areas on an electronic display when non-uniform pixels are used to display same image like a 'splash screen' for a long period of time.
source: etnews
It's hard to believe that this isn't the first time Galaxy is suffering from screen burn-ins. Galaxy S2 also had the same issue immediately after their AMOLED screen was announced and had to offer free warranty repair or an exchange. I thought they would've fixed the problem with their ultimate Galaxy S3 but guess what? They didn't fix the problem but they just added a warning on their manual to avoid any in-warranty repairs. "Do not operate your device with a paused screen for a long time. We are not responsible for any problem arising from the said cause." This is what they added in their manual. I'm highly disappointed in how Samsung handle their problems; not many people read the manual nowadays, especially with phones, and it's not fair for those who end up getting their screen burnt in and being told that there's nothing that can be done.

I know Samsung for their screen uniformity issues and not only their AMOLED screen is having this problem but also their OLED screen seems to have a similar problem as well. The self light-emitting technology used in OLED deteriorates over time, making the image darker but the blue pixel used in Samsung's OLED specifically has the shortest lifespan and it will have a great impact on the color. On the other hand, the TFT-LCD technology, which is used in LG's display, requires another backlight since it can't light itself so it can still get a little darker over time but it won't have much impact on the image quality.


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